Saturday 25 October 2014

This Week on the Internet

So like, lots of things happen on the internet. Here are some of those things that caught my attention this week.

Actual Cannibal, Shia LeBouf. The greatest thing my eyes have seen and my ears have heard in a long, long time. Don't live your life without watching this at least 3 times.

The works of Henrique Oliveira. Visually and mentally stunning.

This gif tho. Ok yea, kissing is kissing whatevs. But holy fuck look at the way he uses them hands. Hello skills. Evan Peters and Emma Roberts. I'm a bit jelly.


There comes a time in every rappers life where he reveals his true kawaii dattebayo nature. Soulja Boy recently reached that peak. 


Wednesday morning I woke up to every other post on Twitter sending out good wishes for the family of the soldier who was shot and killed in Ottawa. Click here if you want to read more about it.

Let's allow the good to outweigh the bad/ugly for now, and leave it at that for this week.
Cupcake out.