Thursday, 13 November 2014

Book Review: 100 Strokes of the Brush Before Bed

100 Strokes is a novel by Italian author Melissa P. She describes it as a fictionalized version of her youth. What first caught my attention is the fact that this book was published when she was only 17 years old, and sold over a million copies before being translated into English and other languages. The title eludes to a recurring theme throughout the book. "100 strokes of the brush before bed will keep your hair shiny like a princess," her mother delivers her these words of wisdom. (My own mother told me the same thing as a kid.)

Did I mention that it's an erotica novel? 
A 17 year old published an erotica novel. I love it. 

The book is written in the form of diary entries and follows her from age 14 where she starts as a virgin, to age 16, where she has become a sexually promiscuous teenager. She does not limit herself when it comes to these experiences: men, women, BDSM, rape fantasy, threesomes, FIVESOMES, older men (MUCH older) get the picture. 

It left me wondering how much of this accurately portrayed her youth, and reflecting on my own rather boring teenage sex life (aka non-existent). 

I read this book in the span of four hours. The stories captivated me and the thought that a teenager had written and experienced this compelled me to keep reading. It felt as if I was reading a well written gossip magazine...if someone felt obliged to gossip about their own sex life in great detail. 

Not only does Melissa give us the dirty details of her sexual experiences, she touches on topics that many woman and teenagers (men too, I'm sure, but I doubt that was her target group) are sensitive towards: body positivity, loving yourself, not allowing a man to control you, etc. I admire her maturity for her age, and her ability to accept herself after traumatic experiences. This isn't an easy task for anybody of any gender or age. 

More than anything, this novel shows her growth in spirit, confidence, and sexuality as she grows into herself. 

This is a quick read, that I highly recommend. 
3.5 of 5


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