Hi, friends! This blog has been a long time coming, and I'm finally putting it into motion!
Let me start out by explaining what the idea behind "A Taste of Cupcake" really is. No, it's not just some clever blog title that I picked because i'm super hilarious and witty *cough*. Making zine's has been a hobby of mine for many years. As of last week, I've been a cam girl for one year. Now that I know that I want to pursue this for as long as I can, I realized that I need to find more ways to incorporate my other hobbies and passions into camming. My thoughts kept drifting to a zine. It's the perfect concept. It would include pictures, my art, my writings, interviews, etc. Something for everyone, and a perfect outlet for my other hobbies!
In short, "A Taste of Cupcake" is my brain child. I will be creating a monthly magazine to soothe my creative spirit and please my camming (and non-cam!) customers.
This blog will act as a sort of "preview" of the magazine, where I will feature short interviews, daily life posts', updates on the magazine, in addition to anything that I choose to not put in the actual magazine.
I look forward to this creative endeavour, and I hope you guys feel the same!
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